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For reMarkable 1 & 2 Users Ready To Take Their Productivity To The Next Level...

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How To Set Up Your reMarkable Device For Maximum Productivity & Goal Achievement In

The Secret Productivity System Top Performers Use To Get Twice As Much Done In
Half The Time Using Their reMarkable... Delivered Piece-By-Piece To Your Inbox
Every Morning For The Next 30 Days!

The Secret Productivity System Top Performers Use To Get Twice As Much Done In Half The Time Using Their reMarkable... Delivered Piece-By-Piece To Your Inbox Every Morning For The Next 30 Days!

What Is The 30 Day
Productivity Reset?

The 30 Day Productivity Reset is a counterintuitive approach to organizing your time using your reMarkable, that allows you to make consistent light-speed progress towards your goals without working yourself into the ground.

We achieve this by creating a “centralized daily operating system” on your reMarkable device that allows you to tackle tasks in an efficient (yet sustainable) way without needing to use a complex project management software that ends up taking more time from your day.

We’ve broken this system down into 30 daily bitesize chunks, meaning you only have to apply one new concept each day (it should only take 10-15 minutes), and by the end you'll have assembled a system that will propel your productivity levels through the roof!

And as a result... you'll finally be able to make the changes to your life you've always dreamed of. No goal will seem too big for you. This is The 30 Day Productivity Reset.​

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The 30 Day Productivity
Reset Is A Shortcut

Before I created the 30 Day Reset - I was struggling with my productivity for years and was on the verge of giving up.

One week I was disciplined, motivated and unstoppable… the next I was lethargic, easily distracted and spent most of my time watching videos instead of doing the
work I knew I needed to complete.

I tried every strategy under the sun: “Eat The Frog”, the pomodoro technique, overfilling my calendar with every tiny task I needed to get done…

And none of them moved the needle for me. I even started to wonder whether motivation/productivity was simply a God-given talent that I wasn't destined for...

Which led me to questioning everything I'd been told and eventually turning the entire productivity model upside down...

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me, I've finally reached a point where I get all my important work done in 2-4 hours/day, and I spend the rest playing golf, or enjoying some down time.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire system in the next 30 days using your reMarkable.

Here's How It Works:


The 30 Day reMarkable
Productivity Reset

The PROVEN 30 day system to take you from overwhelmed and burnt out, to ultra-productive and hyper-focussed in a matter of weeks using your reMarkable.

An ENTIRE Months Access To
My Famous Daily CoachCast

If can't find the energy or motivation in the morning, this is just what you need to start your day. It gives you a positive "buzz" like after a 3-day motivational seminar… except you get it every single morning... and it never runs out!

PLUS: You'll also get private access to a HUGE searchable vault of more than 5000 previous episodes (Over 1250 hours!!!)

Daily Reflection Worksheet

Designed specifically for this 30 day challenge, it will help you analyze and reflect on your progress, to help you get the very most out of your days. All you need to do is fill out the questions at the end of every day.


The reMarkable 1&2 Setup Guide

​I'm going to show you, step-by-step, how to get the most out of your reMarkable, along with a bunch of awesome hacks and secret features you may not have known about.

The Get It Done - NOW!™
​940 Page Planner

The MONSTER 2024 planner for your reMarkable, responsible for slashing procrastination and helping you stay on track for your biggest goals every single day.

The Get It Done - NOW!™
Planner Course

The planner can be pretty overwhelming when you first open it up. That's why I've filmed a detailed course walking you through every feature so you can start seeing results right away.

ZERO Distractions In 7 Days

Learn how to completely eliminate unnecessary distractions from your day, meaning you can squeeze 10-50% MORE productivity out of each day!

MorningCoach® Flow State
Focus Music Library

Use one of these tracks when you're working on an important task - it'll help you achieve a deep flow state in a matter of minutes... meaning you'll be able to get more done in less time.

Bonus Text Example

If you're like me, you might not want to work every hour of every day. With your newfound productivity systems in place, you'll have time to live an awesome lifestyle, and I'll show you exactly how in this guide!


I've spent the past 18 months obtaining the rights to some of the most influential productivity books of all time. Now, you get them, 100% free to read and use!

Happy Customer

Featured In & Used By...

Here's The Crazy Story of The System That Turned Me
From A Burnt-Out Wreck Working 80 Hours/Week To A
Hyper-Productive Dynamo Cranking Out Top-Quality Work For 5000+ Days Straight Using My ReMarkable!

Here's The Crazy Story of The System That Turned Me From A Burnt-Out Wreck Working 80 Hours/Week To A Hyper-Productive Dynamo Cranking Out Top-Quality Work For 5000+ Days Straight Using My ReMarkable!

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, And Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before... Read The Story Below To Discover The Transformative Secrets Behind The 30 Day Reset:

Dear reMarkable Owner

From: The laptop of JB Glossinger

​Re: Consistently Productive Days (and why this is your only way out)

Would it surprise you to learn that I’ve stayed consistent on one particular task for the past 5000+ days using this system and my reMarkable?


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same productivity model that 10,000+ busy professionals and reMarkable owners from all over the world have used to double, triple, even quadruple their productivity levels in a matter of weeks…

...And in turn reach their biggest goals faster than ever before...

...All while being able to shut down their computer at the end of the day satisfied they got enough work done, meaning they can spend quality time with their family…

...And best of all they can compact WEEKS of work into just a few days, allowing them to take long vacations undisturbed and unstressed!

Just Like Yuliya, Who Applied These Systems And Soon After Became Completely Distraction-Free, With Insane Levels of Productivity & Focus!

In fact, she sent me this text a few days ago:

And I hear how people "feel dumb" after applying this system a LOT.

​But the truth is they're NOT dumb...

This system is STUPIDLY simple when you get to grips with it...

But it goes COMPLETELY against everything you've previously been told about productivity.

​You see, most of your lack of success up to now it because the "novelty" trigger in our brains forces us to focus on the "new" projects...

​And that means constantly adding more projects, more business ideas...

When the key to success is doing a small number of things REALLY well.

Think about Jeff Bezos...

When he started out with Amazon he didn't have a million businesses, or projects...

He had ONE thing to focus all of his attention on.

And from my experience of seeing hundreds of success stories, and brushing shoulders with the biggest names in the online business space...

ALL successful people have as few projects as possible so they can really attack them. 

​And that's the beauty of The 30 Day Productivity Reset...

This Is Jürgen, Who Wanted To Figure
Out A Way To Use His reMarkable 2 To
Become More Productive...

And soon he was free of anxiety, stress and more...

While making MORE money!

Here's what he told us:

“Before I started, I was completely overwhelmed by my workload.

I couldn't get as much done and couldn't fall asleep at night because my thoughts were on a merry-go-round…

Without putting in any extra effort, I learned to improve my focus, set priorities correctly and thus become more productive, which has freed up time for my personal development.
This literally changed my life.

Here’s what John thought just 2 weeks after using these strategies…

Yuliya, Jürgen and John Are Just A Few
of A Group Of Over 10,000 Ultra-Productive Professionals Who Are Doing Things Differently…

Yuliya, Jürgen and John Are
Just A Few of A Group Of Over 10,000 Ultra-Productive Professionals Who Are Doing Things Differently…

And you can BET...

The 30 Day Productivity Reset uses systems completely unlike any method you've heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don't focus on complicated project management systems.
  • We don't focus on gimmicky productivity strategies that work for 5 minutes before you go back to your old unproductive ways.
  • We don't make you follow a 3 hour long morning routine.
  • And we DEFINITELY don't work every waking hour.

In fact: we focus on working LESS.

Instead We Simply Focus On Getting The Most CRUCIAL Tasks To Achieving Your Goals Done To An Insanely High Standard...

Instead We Simply Focus On Getting The Most CRUCIAL Tasks To Achieving Your Goals Done To An Insanely High Standard...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

​All I will ask of you today is to try it for the next 30 days and see how it changes your life.

The system inside the 30 Day Reset allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to getting tasks done and achieving goals…

  • Like trying to find the motivation to get the work done.
  • Constantly chasing after new productivity systems after they crash and burn after a few days of using them.
  • Or allowing work to take over your life completely. Just because you're a high-achiever doesn't mean you shouldn't have a life!
  • Constantly rebounding between super productive and barely able to get out of the bed in the morning.
  • Spending the entirety of your Sunday DREADING the week ahead because you have so much to do and feel overwhelmed.
  • Or feeling like there's never enough time in the day to fit in work, looking after your health and spending time with family. (In the end, they all suffer)

This System Freed Me From All That And
Allowed Me To Work A Maximum of
10 Hours/WEEK!

This System Freed Me From All That And
Allowed Me To Work A Maximum of
10 Hours/WEEK!

Here’s what my life used to look like (I’m sure you can relate)…

​I call this the “Productivity Maze Of Doom”:

  • Step 1 - Wake up dreading the workload ahead.
  • Step 2 - Half asleep, force yourself into a complicated and unnecessary morning routine your favorite guru SWEARS by (that probably has ZERO impact on your productivity).
  • Step 3 - Crawl to your desk with your motivation levels on the floor.
  • Step 4 - Tackle the first task on your list.
  • Step 5 - Ten minutes later, get distracted by a new video on Facebook.
  • Step 6 - Engage in a political argument with a stranger on Twitter.
  • Step 7 - End the day having ticked off 2-3 tasks. Feeling like you haven't really accomplished anything.
  • Step 8 - Repeat

The Productivity Maze Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for YEARS - forcing me to work for HOURS without getting anything done.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of being productive...

And just assumed it was a god-given talent that wasn't meant for me...

... But before I gave up...

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked...

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system on the reMarkable 1 & 2...

And I Put This Entire System In A 30 Day Productivity Challenge Called The “Productivity Reset” And You Can Start Experiencing INSANE Levels of Productivity For Yourself In Just A Few Moments From Now…

And I Put This Entire System In A 30 Day Productivity Challenge Called The “Productivity Reset” And You Can Start Experiencing INSANE Levels of Productivity For Yourself In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s JB…

My life’s pretty good… I get up in the morning, work out, get the work I need to done and then I hit the golf course on most days...

I've got a book published by Hays House, my podcast on productivity and business has been downloaded over 50 million times​, and I've coached some of the brightest and most talented entrepreneurs, executives and athletes in the world to help them perform at their peak potential.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About
Where I Was 25 Years Ago…

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About
Where I Was 25 Years Ago…

I was a director at a $60 million/year aerospace company...

​Everyone had told me I'd "made it".

​And I guess in some people's eyes I probably had...

​But the problem was I was working 80+ hours/week...

​Constantly travelling and burning myself out.

​On the weekends, I'd just flop on my sofa and would hardly move for the entire time...

​I knew there must be a better way, to get this work done more efficiently and effectively.

​And that thought constantly ached at me.

​I saw my team around me just as drained as me which only made me more determined to fix this for everyone. BUT...

This kind of empathetic attitude landed me in hot water with the CEO...

He didn't have time for employee welfare and neither should I
(in his eyes)...

And after exchanging some profanities and handing in my resignation...

I realized my true mission:

To help millions of people around the world just like me to be more productive, so they can work less, achieve their goals quicker all while avoiding burnout and feeling less stressed...

​It's taken over 40 years of studying, and 19 years working full-time on MorningCoach®, but I've finally been able to condense this system down to a perfect science.

​One that allows ANYONE to pick it up and apply it in their own life quickly and easily.

The 30 Day Productivity Reset Is One Of The Most Legitimate And Easy-To-Use Systems If You Want To Get More Work Done Consistently And Make Rapid Progress To Your Goals On Your reMarkable...

WITHOUT Living Like A Monk! 

The 30 Day Productivity Reset Is One Of The Most Legitimate And Easy-To-Use Systems If You Want To Get More Work Done Consistently And Make Rapid Progress To Your Goals On Your reMarkable...

WITHOUT Living Like A Monk! 

Just think about it...

The person who sacrifices EVERYTHING to be successful in the long run...

Sure. They get ahead in the short term. It's practically impossible to keep up with them without working your life away.


If you had a system (like this) that allowed you to get work done 2x FASTER than that person, you won't be far behind.

All while spending time with your family every day and your buddies on the weekend...

And you'll be EVEN CLOSER to them after you've fully optimized your health and sleep, which this system will help you to do almost effortlessly. You'll be operating at 100% of your potential while they stumble along.

It sounds crazy, but this system will allow you to be a high-achiever without sacrificing everything else in your life.

And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way? 

You DON'T Need To Work Long Hours To
See Results With This System! 

You DON'T Need To Work Long Hours To
See Results With This System! 

Which means you can give your brain the space and balance it needs to perform at its peak when it gets to work time.

All you have to do is follow this simple system in the morning, and your days will be laid out for you in a simple step-by-step format.

And it's designed so that each action you take is a giant leap towards your goals, instead of just "ticking off tasks".

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is
With The OLD Productivity Models You've
Been Using, And This Completely New Opportunity?  

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is
With The OLD Productivity Models You've Been Using, And This Completely New Opportunity?  

They focus on completing tasks, I focus on making progress towards my goals.

That might not sound like a big difference... But it is.

​People who focus on completing tasks don't worry about quality of work, they don't focus on which task is gonna get them to their goals faster... they just want to check off tasks on their to-do list so they feel good about themselves at the end of the day.

And you know what? For some people that's totally fine...

But if you're reading this page, you probably want to actually push yourself towards your goals... right?

That small shift in mindset has HUGE impacts on your ability to make progress.

​And this system is centered around that idea:

"How can I get to my goals in as few steps as possible, while working as little as possible?"

You've probably heard people talking about "working smart" before... this is that same idea... BUT on STEROIDS!

You see, I've taken it one step FURTHER...

Instead of giving you a huge productivity system all at once...

I'm going to give you a small "piece" of the system every day for the next 30 days...

So that every single day you'll be more and more productive, and by the end you'll fly through your work and be able to make consistent progress towards all of your goals.

This way, you're not getting a huge complicated system that will overwhelm you too much to even attempt...

You just need to spend 10 minutes every day for the next 30 days adding a small piece to your system.

And if you can do that, I can double, even triple your productivity in these few weeks!

I know this FOR SURE because this system has been used by over 10,000 MorningCoach® members over the past 19 years...

From engineers, to executives, even for training pilots!

Here's what it looks like:

What My Life Looks Like Because of This System:  

And The Best Part Is... I'm Getting MORE Done
Now, And Making MORE Progress Towards My Goals Than EVER Before!

And The Best Part Is... I'm Getting MORE Done
Now, And Making MORE Progress Towards My Goals Than EVER Before!

You see, you don't need to give up your lifestyle for the sake of achieving goals...

​In fact, with my system it's MORE beneficial for you to enjoy your hobbies, spend time with family and take more vacations.

​Because when you limit yourself to working 10 hours/week (like me)....

​Something almost magical happens:

​You start to compress all your work into those 10 hours and start managing your time in a completely different way.

​If you've ever heard a billionaire talking about how they become a billionaire, you'll realize that the path to getting to that kind of wealth is completely different to one to become a millionaire.

​And it's the same with productivity. If you want to become MORE productive while working LESS...

​You need to think (and work) in a completely different way.

​And that's what the 30 Day Reset will do for you.

​It will COMPLETELY shift your thinking for maximum productivity and goal achievement.

If you follow every single step that I teach, you'll end up working less, and achieving more...

But it’s much more than that...

It's Actually The EASIEST Way To Double, Even Triple Your Income In The Next 3 Months... 

It's Actually The EASIEST Way To Double, Even Triple Your Income In The Next 3 Months... 

Think about it...

If you can double your productivity, then it would be pretty easy to double your income, right?

​For example, lets say you work in a service business and are maxed out with 10 clients...

Well, now you can service 20 clients in the same work day!

​Or, you could cut back your working hours and only serve 15 clients... leading to a 50% increase in your revenue while working LESS!

And this isn't just for service businesses. Almost ANYONE can make this kind of change in their business in just a few months.

​You just need to know how to plan and execute on your day for maximum impact.

​Now, speaking of the system...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Mistaking "Busyness" For Productivity...

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Mistaking "Busyness" For Productivity...

At some point you've probably had one of those days where you complete all your "to-dos", but look back and feel like you didn't actually make any progress, right?

​That's because you're prioritizing
busyness over productivity.

The solution? 

Working LESS!

That's right...

I said it, we work LESS...

...Because I rather get all my work done in a 5 hour work day instead of a 12 hour work day.

No thanks. I've done it and it sucks.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in The 30 Day Reset, it's a step-by-step system that shows you everything you need to know to become more productive

So Here's The 10 Hour Work Week Idea Behind
The Productivity Reset System

So Here's The 10 Hour Work Week Idea Behind
The Productivity Reset System

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of productivity.

Huge new books have been released, more and more "gurus" have appeared and disappeared. 

This has created a lot of confusion and frustration in the productivity space.

Now, most of these busy professionals are looking for a new solution...

And as you may have guessed it - I have it.

And what's really cool is that this isn't just a "improve your productivity system"...

​This is a "build the life of your dreams" system.

​Or a "skyrocket your income without working any extra hours" system.

And that’s the difference here.

When you approach your work using this model the results are amplified and sustainable.

Whereas, with most other systems, you won't make any progress towards your goals.

I’m not saying the traditional methods are bad.

In fact - you can combine a lot of them with this system for even better results...

​What I’m saying if you want to reach your goals, these strategies might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

All productivity strategies up to today focus on getting tasks done. But no attention is paid to how those tasks impact your business or life.

Each task is equal. The small insignificant 5 minute task is given equal value to the HUGE, difficult, but very important task.

​When really, there's a pretty massive difference between tasks in terms of the return they'll bring.

​The 30 Day Reset helps you to cut out all that noise, and instead focus on the things that really matter.

​And that's why this is different.

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire
Reputation On This One Promise...

You can 2-3x your productivity in the next 2 weeks.

​And once you get started using this unique system.

​Completing "hard" tasks, will feel like a breeze, and sometimes even enjoyable.

​Getting to your next goal isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It’s something that will come naturally just by following this process.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 2 weeks from today.

Because If you implement everything in the first 2 weeks of the Productivity Reset... you will have increased your "task completion" rate by 200-300%!

That’s how easy this is.

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds… 

And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to become more productive…

I promise you this…

Anyone can reach their biggest goal with the right system (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing...

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because over 10,000 others have done it too within the MorningCoach® Community...

And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me nearly 11 years to "figure this out"...

...and another 19 years to perfect it.

...and then a few more years to make it work perfectly on the reMarkable.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to join The 30 Day Reset and most important of all - implement it!

​That’s it…

Here's Just A Few Things You're Going To
Discover In The 30 Day Productivity Reset:

  • Why daydreaming about your ideal life is actually the smartest way to bring your vision to reality, according to cognitive research.
  • The shocking reason why you procrastinate on important projects (even when you know they could triple your income!)... and how a simple reMarkable template can put an end to that for good!
  • Did you know you can use your reMarkable to control the process of goal achievement? Master these simple techniques and you can achieve an infinite variety of goals.
  • The weird reason you should ONLY focus on completing 6 tasks to get more done. PLUS: You'll get the daily planner for your reMarkable that helps you to choose and complete the most important 6 tasks for your goals.
  • EXPOSED: The insidious "Weak Link" secretly eroding your productivity and results. Eliminate it now before it destroys your dreams.
  • How to take your reMarkable from gathering dust to the single most crucial part of your productivity routine.
  • The reason most 5-year plans fail (even when you have the best intentions).
  • How to set up your reMarkable 1 or 2 the right way. Hint: it's nothing like the instruction manual!
  • This simple reMarkable daily routine fuels your mind, recharges your body, and inspires your soul - in just minutes a day.
  • The brain cells that control your ability to set and achieve big goals are being rejuvenated and sparking to life again when you do this one strange thing each morning…
  • REVEALED: How I use my reMarkable to only work 10 hours/week.
  • Is your thinking style secretly sabotaging your success? Find out how to get the most out of your brain with this 5 minute quiz.
  • Why your reMarkable could be your key to insane levels of productivity and focus.
  • Discover the stunningly simple 4-step framework that rewires your brain's neural pathways, reprogramming it to crave productivity and goal achievement with an almost ADDICTIVE intensity... procrastination will become as unthinkable as jabbing a fork in your eye!
  • The little-known "backward goal" trick that lets you achieve goals almost effortlessly by working with your natural inclinations, not against them.
  • How a subtle misalignment in your goals creates an "invisible ceiling" that limits your achievement and success (and the simple "re-calibration" exercise you can do on your reMarkable to shatter it forever).
  • The stupidly simple "5-minute fix" that instantly puts you in the top 3% of achievers and makes any goal achievable - even if you've failed miserably in the past!
  • Why thinking "short term" could actually be the best thing for your goals.
  • How to "hack" your reMarkable device… to turn it into a productivity powerhouse!
  • The real cause of self-sabotage that drains your motivation - and the instant mind-shift to "cure" it permanently.
  • Why your lack of focus has nothing to do with discipline (the truth will shock you).
  • The secret system that reveals your hidden thinking superpowers - and how it can skyrocket your productivity starting today!
  • My reMarkable 2 morning routine… that sets me up for superhuman productivity and focus all day!
  • The brain cells that control your ability to set and achieve big goals are being rejuvenated and sparking to life again when you do this one strange thing each morning…
  • How to set up your reMarkable 1 or 2 the right way. HINT: it's NOTHING like the instruction manual!

Plus I'm Going To Give You My Complete
940 Page 2024 reMarkable Planner

The Get It Done… NOW!™ planner is a fat, no-nonsense productivity accelerator for your reMarkable 1 or 2, that will help you reach your goals so effortlessly you’ll feel like you’re cheating.

All you have to do is plan out your day every morning (or the evening before), and fill out the weekly reviews.

It's really that simple.

If you do this every day it will change your life, I promise.

​And I figured the best way to prove this works is to just give it away for free!

​Here's what you'll find inside:

  • The yearly planning template that will stop your procrastination by keeping you accountable to your long-term goals.
  • Get a 30,000 foot view of the upcoming month Catch any future issues before they come up, plan strategically ahead, or block out that upcoming vacation!
  • The famous daily planning page that will let you work 2-3 hours/day instead of 10!
  • ​This page will feel stupid and might even make you cringe… but it will create a mental “train track” which will rewire your myelin to block you from getting distracted or procrastinating again! (Pg. 3)
  • If you commit to what you write down on page 4 for a few months... you'll be able to cut out all of the noise in your head, meaning you'll only be working on the hard-hitting, revenue-driving tasks!
  • Planning and doing the work consistently is enough to hit your goals... right? WRONG! If you don't do this one thing you'll achieve nothing EVEN if you work 24/7! (Use page 5 to fix this)
  • ​Boost your productivity by 64.7% per year using a simple but deadly strategy invented by a Swiss mathematician in the 1600s. (Page 7)
  • Your unmade decisions are KILLING your productivity use this simple decision-making matrix to arrive at the best option in only 5 minutes (this could cut down on 20 hours of procrastination per week.)

And Before You Join The reMarkable Productivity Reset… I Want You To Know There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If this is as good as you say, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden monthly fees.

I'm literally giving you this entire system, for $27.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

There are only so many copies of this I can sell before it becomes too expensive for me to keep running.

You see, I'm actually likely to lose money on this promotion after staff and software costs.

The good news is, if you're reading this, there's still time to join.

​Anyway - with all of that said,
this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting The Complete
reMarkable Setup Guide

If you've just bought your reMarkable, or have one collecting dust on your bookcase...

This is going to be a GAME CHANGER for you.

​I'm going to show you, step-by-step, how to get the very most out of your reMarkable, along with a bunch of awesome hacks and secret features you may not have known about.

​Look, the reMarkable isn't a cheap device. So grabbing the guide to getting the most out of it should be a no-brainer!

​And there's no charge. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the system.

Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $387

- The Get It Done - NOW!™ Planner Course: I'll walk you through the planner step-by-step, so you know exactly how to use every feature packed into this device designed to help you double your productivity.

- ZERO Distractions In 7 Days: If you're easily distracted, or have ADHD, this guide will show you exactly how to get the most out of even the WORST working environment to get the most done. After 7 days you will have completely eradicated ALL physical and digital distractions, allowing you to get work done faster, and more effectively than ever!

- The MorningCoach® Flow State Music Collection: This is our private collection of music to help you get into flow state, so you can have crazy levels of deep focus throughout the day.

​...and much, much more!

Oh. And in case you're wondering...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I want to go one step further:

I Want You To Try The Entire System Before You Decide To Purchase...

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

And even though it’s only $27.00

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Go through the system, apply each lesson, and see how your productivity transforms in a matter of days, even weeks.

And if you’re not blown away by your transformation...

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 60 days.

We’ll refund you your $27.00 and let you keep the entire system, PLUS all the bonuses free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

I'm Also Going To Throw In FREE Tickets to Our Regular LIVE Q&A Workshops (Valued at $250) - Where We Can Work Through Any Issues 1-On-1!

Every so often I'm going to hop on a live stream with you guys and answer ANY questions about the system you have.

​This is your chance to get the very most out of your productivity.

​Normally, I charge THOUSANDS to my private clients for this kind of intimate coaching, but as part of this insane deal, you're getting it absolutely FREE!


So here's how to order today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you'll be reading the first lesson in the next 2 minutes.

Included with your order:

I’ll talk to you in one of our private workshops you'll be attending 100% free as a Productivity Reset member.

Until then, to your success,


P.S. Remember, The 30 Day Productivity Reset comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Read each email, implement, get results.

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $27.00.

Included In The Reset:

  • Why daydreaming about your ideal life is actually the smartest way to bring your vision to reality, according to cognitive research.
  • The shocking reason why you procrastinate on important projects (even when you know they could triple your income!)... and how a simple reMarkable template can put an end to that for good!
  • Did you know you can use your reMarkable to control the process of goal achievement? Master these simple techniques and you can achieve an infinite variety of goals.
  • The weird reason you should ONLY focus on completing 6 tasks to get more done. PLUS: You'll get the daily planner for your reMarkable that helps you to choose and complete the most important 6 tasks for your goals.
  • EXPOSED: The insidious "Weak Link" secretly eroding your productivity and results. Eliminate it now before it destroys your dreams.
  • How to take your reMarkable from gathering dust to the single most crucial part of your productivity routine.
  • The reason most 5-year plans fail (even when you have the best intentions).
  • How to set up your reMarkable 1 or 2 the right way. Hint: it's nothing like the instruction manual!
  • This simple reMarkable daily routine fuels your mind, recharges your body, and inspires your soul - in just minutes a day.
  • The brain cells that control your ability to set and achieve big goals are being rejuvenated and sparking to life again when you do this one strange thing each morning…
  • REVEALED: How I use my reMarkable to only work 10 hours/week.
  • Is your thinking style secretly sabotaging your success? Find out how to get the most out of your brain with this 5 minute quiz.
  • Why your reMarkable could be your key to insane levels of productivity and focus.
  • Discover the stunningly simple 4-step framework that rewires your brain's neural pathways, reprogramming it to crave productivity and goal achievement with an almost ADDICTIVE intensity... procrastination will become as unthinkable as jabbing a fork in your eye!
  • The little-known "backward goal" trick that lets you achieve goals almost effortlessly by working with your natural inclinations, not against them.
  • How a subtle misalignment in your goals creates an "invisible ceiling" that limits your achievement and success (and the simple "re-calibration" exercise you can do on your reMarkable to shatter it forever).
  • The stupidly simple "5-minute fix" that instantly puts you in the top 3% of achievers and makes any goal achievable - even if you've failed miserably in the past!
  • Why thinking "short term" could actually be the best thing for your goals.
  • How to "hack" your reMarkable device… to turn it into a productivity powerhouse!
  • The real cause of self-sabotage that drains your motivation - and the instant mind-shift to "cure" it permanently.
  • Why your lack of focus has nothing to do with discipline (the truth will shock you).
  • The secret system that reveals your hidden thinking superpowers - and how it can skyrocket your productivity starting today!
  • My reMarkable 2 morning routine… that sets me up for superhuman productivity and focus all day!
  • The brain cells that control your ability to set and achieve big goals are being rejuvenated and sparking to life again when you do this one strange thing each morning…
  • How to set up your reMarkable 1 or 2 the right way. HINT: it's NOTHING like the instruction manual!

Join The 30 Day Productivity


(Save $50 today)

Access The 30 Day Challenge For $77 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available For Instant Access

Here's What Others Have To Say

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the 30 Day Productivity Reset?

The 30 Day Productivity Reset is a system designed to help you create a "centralized daily operating system" on your reMarkable device. This allows you to tackle tasks efficiently and make consistent progress towards your goals without complex project management software.

  • How does the 30 Day Productivity Reset work with my reMarkable device?

This system is specifically designed to be implemented on your reMarkable device. It utilizes your device's features to create a productivity system that helps you focus on high-impact tasks and achieve your goals more effectively.

  • Do I need a reMarkable device to use this system?

This system has been designed with the reMarkable in mind. If you don't own a reMarkable, you may still get some useful insights, but the content is far more actionable with a reMarkable device.

  • How long will it take me to implement the system each day?

You'll only need 10-15 minutes each day to apply the new concept. It's designed to be quick and easy to integrate into your daily routine.

  • Who created this productivity system?

The system was created by JB Glossinger, an expert in productivity coaching. JB's podcast on productivity and business has been downloaded over 50 million times.

  • How is this system different from other productivity methods I've tried?

This system focuses on helping you make progress towards your goals rather than just completing tasks. It aims to increase your productivity while working fewer hours, emphasizing quality over quantity of work. You'll learn to work smarter, not harder!

  • What's the cost of the 30 Day Productivity Reset?

You can get access to the 30 Day Productivity Reset for just $27 today. This is a $50 savings from the regular price of $77.

  • Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes! Your purchase is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you can get a full refund.

Join The 30 Day Productivity


(Save $50 today)

Access The 30 Day Challenge For $77 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available For Instant Access

More Reviews:


Included Bonuses

The reMarkable 1&2 Setup Guide

​I'm going to show you, step-by-step, how to get the very most out of your reMarkable, along with a bunch of awesome hacks and secret features you may not have known about.

The Get It Done - NOW!™
​940 Page Planner

The MONSTER 2024 planner for your reMarkable, responsible for slashing procrastination and helping you stay on track for your biggest goals every single day.

The Get It Done - NOW!™
Planner Course

The planner can be pretty overwhelming when you first open it up. That's why I've filmed a detailed course walking you through each part of the planner so there's no learning curve for you.

ZERO Distractions In 7 Days

Learn how to completely eliminate unnecessary distractions from your day, meaning you can squeeze 10-50% MORE productivity out of each day!

MorningCoach® Flow State
Focus Music Library

Use one of these tracks when you're working on an important task - it'll help you achieve a deep flow state in minimal time.

How To Build An AWESOME Lifestyle Around Your Work

If you're like me, you might not want to work every hour of every day. With your newfound productivity systems in place, you'll have time to live an awesome lifestyle, and I'll show you exactly how in this guide!

Classic Productivity Book Collection

I've spent the past 18 months obtaining the rights to some of the most influential productivity books of all time. Now, you get them, 100% free to read and use!

Happy Customers

2 Steps To Maximum Productivity

Join The 30 Day Productivity Reset


(Save $50 today)

Access The 30 Day Challenge For $77 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available For Instant Access

Here's Everything You're Getting
For Only $27 Today

Included With Your Order

The 30 Day reMarkable Productivity Reset

The PROVEN 30 day system to take you from overwhelmed and burnt out, to ultra-productive and hyper-focussed in a matter of weeks using your reMarkable.

Included With Your Order

The reMarkable 1&2 Setup Guide

​I'm going to show you, step-by-step, how to get the very most out of your reMarkable, along with a bunch of awesome hacks and secret features you may not have known about.

Included With Your Order

The Get It Done - NOW!™
940 Page Planner

The MONSTER 2024 planner for your reMarkable, responsible for slashing procrastination and helping you stay on track for your biggest goals every single day.

Included With Your Order

The Get It Done - NOW!™ Planner Course

The planner can be pretty overwhelming when you first open it up. That's why I've filmed a detailed course walking you through each part of the planner so there's no learning curve for you.

Included With Your Order

ZERO Distractions In 7 Days

Learn how to completely eliminate unnecessary distractions from your day, meaning you can squeeze 10-50% MORE productivity out of each day!

Included With Your Order

MorningCoach® Flow State Focus Music Library

Use one of these tracks when you're working on an important task - it'll help you achieve a deep flow state in minimal time.

Included With Your Order

EXTRA BONUS: How To Build An AWESOME Lifestyle Around Your Work

If you're like me, you might not want to work every hour of every day. With your newfound productivity systems in place, you'll have time to live an awesome lifestyle, and I'll show you exactly how in this guide!

Get your daily productivity lessons on your computer, phone or tablet and start implementing right away.

Only $77 $27.00 Today

(Save $50 today) Get The Complete System For $77 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start your productivity journey in the next 2 minutes.

Here's A Sneak Peak of Day 5
Inside The Challenge

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the 30 Day Productivity Reset?

The 30 Day Productivity Reset is a system designed to help you create a "centralized daily operating system" on your reMarkable device. This allows you to tackle tasks efficiently and make consistent progress towards your goals without complex project management software.

  • How does the 30 Day Productivity Reset work with my reMarkable device?

This system is specifically designed to be implemented on your reMarkable device. It utilizes your device's features to create a productivity system that helps you focus on high-impact tasks and achieve your goals more effectively.

  • Do I need a reMarkable device to use this system?

This system has been designed with the reMarkable in mind. If you don't own a reMarkable, you may still get some useful insights, but the content is far more actionable with a reMarkable device.

  • How long will it take me to implement the system each day?

You'll only need 10-15 minutes each day to apply the new concept. It's designed to be quick and easy to integrate into your daily routine.

  • Who created this productivity system?

The system was created by JB Glossinger, an expert in productivity coaching. JB's podcast on productivity and business has been downloaded over 50 million times.

  • How is this system different from other productivity methods I've tried?

This system focuses on helping you make progress towards your goals rather than just completing tasks. It aims to increase your productivity while working fewer hours, emphasizing quality over quantity of work. You'll learn to work smarter, not harder!

  • What's the cost of the 30 Day Productivity Reset?

You can get access to the 30 Day Productivity Reset for just $27 today. This is a $50 savings from the regular price of $77.

  • Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes! Your purchase is backed by our 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you can get a full refund.

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Alive Foundation Inc